Your generous investment will plant seeds of hope across our region! - Salt 106.5

Your generous investment will plant seeds of hope across our region!

And the seeds of hope you plant through your Salt 106.5 will flourish in many lives so hope can be found wherever you are…

… while driving with the family, or keeping you company when you’re alone at home…

… with podcasts in your headphones, devotionals in your inbox and letterbox, or even face to face at a concert or special event.

There’s no better time to plant real hope than right now.

So thank you for your help to meet a vital funding need by March 12 – to grow hope for thousands around you!

Your generous investment will plant seeds of hope across our region!

And the seeds of hope you plant through your Salt 106.5 will flourish in many lives so hope can be found wherever you are…

… while driving with the family, or keeping you company when you’re alone at home…

… with podcasts in your headphones, devotionals in your inbox and letterbox, or even face to face at a concert or special event.

There’s no better time to plant real hope than right now.

So thank you for your help to meet a vital funding need by March 12 – to grow hope for thousands around you!