Bli Bli Art Expo - Salt 106.5

Bli Bli Art Expo

The Bli Bli Community Association will be hosting its 4th Art Expo at the Bli Bli Hall and Old Church.

Saturday 26th October: 12-5pm

Sunday 27th October: 9am-4pm

The expo will feature a selection of handmade arts, crafts and photography by local artisans.

Bli Bli Community Garden will host an open garden, with fresh produce and baked goods for sale.

Coffee van in attendance on both days.

Event Details

Organisation: Bli Bli Community Association

Contact: Karen Simpson

Email Address: [email protected]

Location: 87 Willis Road, Bli Bli

Phone Number: 0476336529

Date: Saturday 26th October: 12-5pm Sunday 27th October: 9am-4pm