Creatures Change, But It’s Not Evolution - Balmoral Ridge - Salt 106.5

Creatures Change, But It’s Not Evolution – Balmoral Ridge

Hear the good news that the Biblical account of origins is not only historically accurate, but makes better sense of the evidence.

Tas holds a B.Sc. (Earth Science with first class honours), a B.Eng (hons) and a doctorate in mechanical engineering, all from the University of Queensland.

Using his varied experience, Tas has developed a biblical geological model to connect geological structures in the field with biblical history.

He has applied this geological model to the Great Artesian Basin in Australia, the basement rocks in Brisbane and the Banks Peninsula in New Zealand.

He and other creationist geologists are now applying the model to other areas of the world.

Event Details

Organisation: Maleny - Seventh Day Adventist church

Contact: Tony Bates

Email Address: [email protected]

Location: 926 Maleny Montville Rd, Balmoral Ridge


Phone Number: 0434 343 901

Date: 4PM - 6PM on Saturday 26 October