Evolutionist to Creationist: A Personal Journey of Faith - Maroochydore - Salt 106.5

Evolutionist to Creationist: A Personal Journey of Faith – Maroochydore

Hear the good news that the biblical account of origins is not only historically accurate but makes better sense of the evidence.

Creation Ministries International Dr Ron Neller Geomorphologist and CMI Speaker will be speaking on Evolutionist to Creationist: A Personal Journey of Faith.

Evidence for Design: evidence for design abounds.

Even some ardent atheists acknowledge this, but they deny the need for a Designer, attributing it to ‘evolution’.

Modern science reveals design that ‘shouts out’ that God created, as the Bible says.

Event Details

Organisation: Coast Alive Church Maroochydore

Contact: Leah Chandran

Email Address: [email protected]

Location: CWA Hall, 104 Memorial Avenue Maroochydore

Website: https://www.coastalivechurch.com

Phone Number: 0405986535

Date: 9:30AM - 11:45AM on Sunday 10 November