If you need to travel to Nambour, Eumundi, Yandina, Maleny, or the Sunshine Coast University Hospital, why not use the Kenilworth Transport Service to help you out? Cost is $8 return for a 4-5 Hour trip with collection at the Information Centre, or your home if it’s on the way. Bookings to be made by 2pm the day before travel at the Information Centre, Kenilworth. Trip days are as follows: Tuesday; Wednesday; Thursday. Out of Schedule trips possible with notice and driver availability. Times and drop off points are negotiable, and you’ll need to be registered before using the service.
To access the Kenilworth Community Transport Service you need to be a resident of Kenilworth, Belli Park, Cambroon, Conondale, Coolabine, Eerwah Vale, Gheerulla, Kidaman Creek or Obi Obi (or a guest of a registered resident).
Call 07 5446 0122 to book your trip.
Please have the following information handy when you call to make a booking:
- date of your trip
- your pick-up address (if not meeting at the Kenilworth Post Office)
- approximate time you will be ready to return.
Additional trips can be organised to meet the needs of the community by arrangement with the sub-committee, subject to driver availability and passenger demand. Please provide one week’s notice where possible.
All passengers (including children*) $8, one-way or return to Nambour, Eumundi, Yandina, Maleny,
All passengers (including children*) $25, one-way or return to Sunshine Coast University Hospital.
*Children aged 14 and under must be accompanied by a registered adult.
The Kenilworth Community Transport Service is run by volunteers, under the leadership of a Sub-Committee of the Kenilworth Chamber of Commerce, who hold the Operator Accreditation for the service with the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Council supplies a fully insured 7-seater passenger vehicle and an allocation (of up to $2,000 to cover expenses) for the community to provide the service with volunteer drivers.
Event Details
Organisation: Kenilworth Visitor Information Centre
Contact: Kenilworth Information Centre
Email Address: [email protected]
Location: 9 Elizabeth Street, Kenilworth
Phone Number: 07 5446 0122