BreastScreen Queensland Mobile Service in Maleny - Salt 106.5

BreastScreen Queensland Mobile Service in Maleny

BreastScreen Queensland mobile service will be at Maleny Hospital from 30 April to 21 May offering free breast screening for women 40 years and over.

Appointments available from 7.45am. to 5.30pm on Monday 13 May.

No referral needed.

Book now by calling 13 20 50 or visit the website.

Event Details

Organisation: BreastScreen Queensland Sunshine Coast

Contact: Gillian Duffy

Email Address: [email protected]

Location: Maleny Hospital 17 Bean St, Maleny QLD 4552


Phone Number: 13 20 50

Date: 7:45AM - 5:30PM between Tuesday 30 April and Tuesday 21 May