Nambour Orchid Society Spring Show - Salt 106.5

Nambour Orchid Society Spring Show

Nambour Orchid Society is staging a Spring Orchid Spectacular to be held at the Uniting Church Hall, Coronation Drive, Nambour.

This event is community-based, involving a number of Sunshine Coast club members who will also be exhibiting plants, both Orchids and Foliage.

Nambour Orchid Society donates a portion of funds raised to their nominated charity Cittamani Hospice on an annual basis, to date over $21,000.00.

Entry $5, with $1 Raffles.

Come enjoy the beauty of orchids and consider joining our club.

Event Details

Organisation: Nambour Orchid Society

Contact: Roger Barratt

Email Address: [email protected]

Location: 18 Strathford Avenue, Nambour 4560 QLD.


Phone Number: 0439998409

Date: 8AM - 4PM between Friday 6 and Saturday 7 September