Finding Unexpected Blessings in Marriage - Salt 106.5

Finding Unexpected Blessings in Marriage

Laura Story is probably best known for her contributions in contemporary Christian music. However behind her songs is a story of pain, struggle, and God’s redemptive touch . She and her husband, Martin, share how a brain tumour shattered their hopes and dreams of a perfect life. As a result of their experience, they reveal how […]

By Salt 106.5 Network Thursday 17 Aug 2017Focus On The FamilyReading Time: 1 minute

Laura Story is probably best known for her contributions in contemporary Christian music. However behind her songs is a story of pain, struggle, and God’s redemptive touch . She and her husband, Martin, share how a brain tumour shattered their hopes and dreams of a perfect life. As a result of their experience, they reveal how God is using them to inspire others.

Part 1

Part 2