Listen: As always, the Bible has the answer to the very human, very common issue of poor communication in relationships.
By Salt 106.5 Network Friday 12 Jan 2024Salt 106.5 WeekendsRelationshipsReading Time: 1 minute
When it comes to having great communication in a relationship, it all comes down to one verse, says relationship expert and neuropsychotherapist Joanne Wilson.
Usually, poor communication is at the base of relationship issues, Joanne says. “We hear something we don’t like, and we react instead of responding.”
As always, the Bible has the answer to this very human, very common issue:
My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. James 1:19-20 NIV
This verse is perhaps the perfect 2024 goal for all of us. Joanne encourages that if we’re able to learn how to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, our relationships will greatly benefit.
Easier said than done!
Joanne advises that the best way to develop these characteristics is to look after yourself.
“If you’re exhausted and not doing very well, it’s hard to have the discipline to self-regulate in your interactions with others,” she says. “Look after yourself first so you can look after others.
“We all long for connection. And the Bible is the best place to turn to for advice.”
Support your relationships in 2024. Make James 1:19-20 your goal.
Listen to the full conversation in the player above.
For more from Joanne Wilson tune in each Saturday from 12pm or find more from The Relationship Rejuvenator online.
Feature image: Photo by Canva Pro