Salt 106.5 Careline - Salt 106.5

Salt 106.5 Careline

Listen, Care, Refer and Pray. Call the Salt 106.5 Careline for support and prayer.

At times life can be overwhelming, and you just need to know you’re not alone. The Salt 106.5 Careline is here to provide a confidential service for every caller in need for a listening ear or prayer.

They’re available every day of the week between 9am-11pm on 07 5400 2754

Our Careline is a non-denominational Christian service open to anyone who would like prayer, or simply someone to talk to and a listening ear. Careline volunteer’s are not a counselling service, however they can refer you to a counselling service that is appropriate to your needs, or other help service if necessary.

Emergency Numbers

If you or someone you know is struggling or needs immediate support please contact:

If you are in an emergency, or at immediate risk of harm to yourself or others, please contact emergency services on 000.

Need more information? Some helpful websites and link to further resources can be found here.

More About Careline Connections

Careline Connections is a not for profit Company Limited by Guarantee provided as a Community service to listeners of Christian media across Australia. Our Christian volunteers are trained to provide a listening ear and avenue for prayer and encouragement across the numerous life journeys callers can bring to Careline.

Careline is not a qualified Counselling service, however we do provide direct referral services to a range of Christian and secular support services including 24 hour crisis support services, counselling, family and relationship support as well as financial support, referrals to suitable Churches in a callers local area and other support services. Careline is backed by Christian Counsellors Association of Australia (CCAA) and by a number of Churches.

Our motto is Care, Listen, Refer and Pray and we will offer Bible readings as suitable to the callers situation for their encouragement and edification.

Find out more about Careline Connections.

Become A Careline Volunteer

Careline volunteers are willing listeners, able to pray for others and share the hope & love they have in Jesus with those who are interested to find out more.

While Careline Volunteers display some of the same skills as counsellors, we are not a qualified counselling service. We provide all the training free of charge through our three-hour training morning on selected Saturday’s as well as one-on-one Mentoring and Webinar based training sessions to continually up-skill our volunteers.

Find out more about becoming a Careline volunteer.